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Moving to Beta
Frebruary 14, 2025
Thank you for alpha testing! All existing accounts have been given membership for 365 days. Members can now request custom names by clicking on the membership button.
Content (excluding fidelity) above level 20 will require a membership. None of that content currently exists, but likely will in the coming months.
Pack mules and items in player-controlled resource chests should begin to persist across updates.
The pine trees have been improved and a number of other graphical issues have been fixed.
New Character Options
Frebruary 12, 2025
You can now create women characters at the mirror and more name options have been added.
You can now see experience drops. Also, an animation and sound effect play when leveling.
Macros are now cleared on updates.
There have been bug fixes related to clicking on characters, disappearing characters, and performance.
Innocent Blood Quest
Frebruary 7, 2025
A new quest has been released. You can start it by talking to Sage outside the volcano entrance.
All raid rewards have been released and there are now high scores based on the number of waves you complete. One new item is in the collection log, dropped 1/10 from the boss.
Raid One Testing
Frebruary 3, 2025
The new raid is now accessible for testing. The waves and balancing will likely change before release. The new boss drops a new best in slot material, but other drops won't be added until it's complete. You can enter north of the volcano.
High scores will be added later along with a version that gets infinitely more difficult.
Barricades now have double the hitpoints, can be examined for stats, and have a defense level equal to the crafting level of the person who created it. Also, electric worms have been changed to spider eggs.
Wasteland Expansion
January 22, 2025
There is now a small wasteland expansion. The new enemy doesn't currently drop anything.
Hitsplats have been added. Monster aggression and retreating has also been slightly reworked.
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